The Beauty Blender

How to use a Beauty Blender

I’ve been asked by many of my clients the proper way to use a beauty blender. I thought it was a good idea to make a video and show how to properly apply the makeup.

When you open up your beauty blender package you will read that the instructions say to dampen the sponge. Most women skip this step completely. But they should’t because by dampening the sponge, your makeup will go on in even layers and blend into the skin seamlessly.

When I prepare my beauty blender I run it under the faucet and I simultaneously squeeze until the beauty blender doubles in size and is light and fluffy. Next, I dry it with a towel to remove any excess water. Good to go.

I apply the foundation a little at a time. I start with a few drops of my favorite foundation on the back of my hand and then dip the side of the sponge into the product and use a press and roll motion when applying to the skin.

Follow along with the video. Thanks.





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